Sky Spelling Spelling Game Demonstration | Spelling Stars
Sky Spelling Demonstration
Collect the coins with the plane and correctly spell the words in your list to complete the game. Avoid obstacles and lightning bolts!
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Crossword is a fun classic game where students must use clues from their list to fill in the correct words in the puzzle. When all the words have been filled in correctly, the student wins the game.

Chirpster is a faced-paced online spelling game for kids where students click to navigate through the pipes. The students will spell until they complete their list.
ChirpsterJump Jump

Jump Jump is a favorite among students! Jump your character up the screen with arrow keys or buttons on screen to collect coins and complete your spelling list. Avoid octopus enemies as you climb and collect bonus items!
Jump JumpSpelling Hopper

Hopper is a fast-paced spelling game that students really enjoy! Spell words from your list at clearings and get bonus points with gems.
Spelling HopperSky Spelling

Collect the coins with the plane and correctly spell the words in your list to complete the game. Avoid obstacles and lightning bolts!
Sky SpellingPutt Putt Spelling Golf

Pull back to launch the ball and spell your way through each level of Putt Putt Spelling Golf.
Spelling GolfRacing Stars

Racing Stars is an exciting spelling game where students race cars while testing spelling skills.
Racing StarsKing Cactus Game

Guess the letters in your spelling words until you can get them all correct. Hints available.
King CactusMemory Game

Each word as it is clicked helping students learn to say and recognize their spelling words.
Spelling MemoryMouse Maze Game

Students play as the mouse eating cheese (spelling words) to win the game. A student favorite.
Mouse MazeWord Chopper

Whittle away at correctly spelled words with Word Chopper. The perfect way to practice for a spelling test.
Word ChopperWord Search Game

Our Word Search can be played online or printed for offline homework. It uses your list to create the game.
Word SearchFill-in-the-Blank Game

Fill-in-the-Blank game changes every time your student plays. They fill in the blanks to spell words.
Fill in the BlankSpelling Soup Game

Students hear the words as they fall and select the correctly spelled word in their bowl.
Spelling SoupBink Bonk Game

Keep students engaged and focused with Bink Bonk. The students spell words when they hit purple blocks.
Bink BonkCrazy Fish

Students are challenged to recognize correctly spelled words. Can be played in slow, medium and fast speeds.
Crazy FishWord Scramble

Drag letters to the appropriate boxes to spell each word on your list. Word Scramble is dynamic.
Word Scramble